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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mar 1st: Drama

On February 8th, we discussed the roles within our groups and within a real TIE company.  We came up with many roles such as director, playwright, actors, production team, front of house/workshop leader, musical director and composer.  We then put our name next to which roles we thought we were.  Mine looked something like this...
·       Director – Abigail
·       Playwright – Abigail
·       Actors – Abigail
·       Production team
·       Front of house/workshop leader – Abigail
·       Musical Director
·       Composer
  As you can see, my name is down for 4 out of the 7 roles we discussed.  Obviously, I am not the only actor or director or playwright as we are all doing those jobs!
  We drew a table last week with our team member’s names on one side and skills we took from the PLTS’s (Personal Learning and Thinking Skills) up the other.  We then had to evaluate each person in the team.  My table looked like this...
/ is a tick
X is a cross
--- is in-between

Olly told me that I was a self manager, creative thinker, effective participator, independent enquirer, reflective thinker, used my initiative and am a team worker.  Olly didn’t give me any targets, partly because we didn’t have time.  When we shared our feedback with the group, he couldn’t give me a target so Miss Woffinden gave me one.  She said I have to be more assertive with my feedback which I agree with as I sometimes can be a bit hesitant in not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings or sound too harsh.
 I am very happy with my feedback from Olly, the only thing is, I wish he could have given me more targets so that I had something to work towards as I gave him several but Miss Woffinden had to give me mine.  Afterwards, with the class, they all thought of more targets to give me when they heard I was a little disappointed when we’d given our feedback.  Francesca said I can sometimes get carried away with my ideas and Miss Woffinden said that I should trust that other people have ideas and also to find out what other people’s strengths are and accommodate to them.
  I agree with this feedback I received but it is hard for me to trust other people with ideas and work as I have done in the past but been let down and disappointed so I do find it hard.  Also, i didn’t quite understand what Francesca meant when she said I sometimes get carried away with my ideas.
We then got given a giant calendar and had to work out a rehearsal schedule.  I couldn’t do this task as I was the only person in my team in school.  We discussed that you had to find out deadlines and when your free, find available space and book it, mark in when holidays and work experience was and work around it.

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